Broken and Recyclable Flower Pots

To showcase Taiwan's policy direction towards "Net Zero Emissions by 2050" to the world, the National Development Council held the first

determination to promote the transition to net-zero emissions and brought together the efforts of government departments and private industries to

AGT (Cayman) Limited, a company that has been committed to sustainability, low carbon, and recycling as its corporate philosophy since 2014,

2023. AGT showcased its diverse range of self-branded products, including cutlery, food storage containers, lunch boxes,

attendees to experience and create a new net zero lifestyle. AGT has actively collaborated with the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)

consumers can take a more accurate step towards achieving the goal of net zero carbon emissions while enjoying delicious meals.

AGT has also aligned with international standards and combined theory with practical application. The company's Chief Strategy Officer, Li Mu-zhen, actively promoted the company's participation in the VCS international voluntary carbon trading platform, revitalizing international business operations and carbon finance strategies, while promoting UN SDGs as development goals. This not only enhances the professionalism and diversity of circular materials, but also strengthens AGT's alliances with international customers in Europe, America, Japan, and Australia to achieve carbon neutrality.




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